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Civil war Battle Sites
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One of the bonuses of traveling the country, performing at renfaires, is having 5 days between shows to play tourist, and a different city every month or so. Once we started to teach Civil War, and our research jammed into high gear, spending 9 weeks in Maryland became a godsend!
The Monument to the California Regiment at Gettysburg; made of mostly of men from Pennsylvania and New York. Their monument is at the Bloody Angle.
At the end of Pickett's Charge General Armistead rallied the rebel survivors near the stonewall at Gettysburg, a few Union soldiers from the California Regiment rushed forward to Cushing’s abandoned cannons, filled it with anything on hand, and ended the offensive.
15-17,000 Californians enlisted.
California Gold helped to pay the bills of the Civil War.
Little Round Top & Devil's Den
Two photos looking down at Devil's Den from Little Round Top. The first from a rifle pit in '06.
The vantage point of this hill gave sight of almost the enitre battlefield. On this day, the sun was shining happily and the bugs were buzzing around. Animals around the fields below. This would be the first of many peacful visits to once war-torn places.
This is '07.
From the bottom of the hill near Devil's Den looking up at Little Round Top.
All photos on this page by: JoNell Franz
Devil's Den, aka The Valley of Death;
Very surreal looking at the pictures and then standing where they fought and died.
The High Water Mark of the Confederacy
In '07 Pat & JoNell brought some of our costume pieces and posed for several pictures. Once again, we felt for our forebears, sweating in a wool uniform, and skirts and hoops.
This is as close as they got. Ten paces from the line, muskets and double canister into their faces.
Walking Pickett's Charge
Toward the end of JoNell's first visit to Gettysburg in '06, Patrick looked out from Cemetery Ridge, and said "Let's walk Pickett's Charge". That time it was in reverse.
In '07, we did it again, this time starting at Seminary Ridge. It was a long way to go, thinking about shell and shot, muskets opening up on us when we got close enough. And then, more, during the entire retreat.
Pickett's Charge from Cemetery Ridge. Note the High Water Mark and Bloody Angle
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